
Succession Planning Tax

Succession Planning in your Tax Department

Succession planning should, in essence – happen in every organisation to future-proof your teams and ensure success. But, some hiring managers or talent teams are unsure where to start, especially in smaller organisations where outsourcing talent is more popular than in-house activity. The market has changed rapidly in the last twelve months, particularly in Tax, […]
Co-Founder & Director

Six Tips to Retain Tax Talent

Employee turnover can have significant knock-on effects, including the associated costs of hiring and training replacements, as well as decreased morale and productivity, especially if multiple team members leave at once. Retaining top talent has always been a challenge, but in the current competitive, candidate-driven tax market, it has become even more crucial. The ability […]
Co-Founder & Director

The Benefits of an Accurate Job Description

Recruiting the right talent is a crucial, yet often time-consuming task for HR professionals. Amidst the sea of qualifications, competencies and workforce dynamics, a good job description is the lighthouse guiding the recruitment ship. It streamlines the hiring process, attracts the best candidates, and acts as a solid basis for future performance reviews and management. […]
Co-Founder & Director
Recruiting in-house Tax Professional

When to Recruit your First In-House Tax Professional

For many businesses, knowing “hiring triggers” can be difficult – especially when you have multiple teams and seniorities to account for, and the same goes for hiring your first in-house tax professional. Traditionally, many organisations rely on external accountancy firms, either due to not needing human resources or for the ease of outsourcing. However, the […]
Marketing Director, Consultancy Group

Tax Market Insights – 2023

The last few years have been full of economic curveballs: the pandemic, exceptionally fast recovery and the highest inflation in four decades. The bounce back post-lockdown saw job openings soar to historic levels across many markets, with the UK workforce growing to all-time highs.  For the Tax recruitment market, the past 2 years have seen […]
Co-Founder & Director

Five Big Risks of Making Low Salary Offers

We are operating in an incredibly competitive market, more so now than ever before. We’ve seen many organisations lose impeccable talent due to not being able to keep up or deliver on package demands. Although candidates aren’t solely motivated by financial package, it can be a dealbreaker for many. The pandemic forced many professionals to […]
Co-Founder & Director

Three Ways to Streamline your Interview Process & Attract More Talent

Recruiting and hiring are challenging, particularly if you’re an organisation with aggressive growth milestones that you need to hit. Not only are you competing with organisations in proximity, but the market has become truly global over the past 12-18 months as remote and hybrid working has now become the norm.  So, how do you stay […]
Finance & Accounting Principle Consultant
tax jobs on rise

Demand for Tax Candidates on the Rise

Did you know that 72% of candidates will be considering a career move in the next 12 months? The demand for talent has only continued to grow, and we don’t anticipate that it will slow down any time soon. As we enter Q2 of 2022, clients are still searching for the best tax talent after […]
Co-Founder & Director

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